October, light.

Financial Stressors, Mortgage Rates, Social Security Increase and more

A lot has happened in the past month. Quite a bit has also stayed the same. Since our last newsletter, there has been impeachment inquiry begun in the House of Representatives and a tentative agreement with China on a “phase one” of a trade deal. Outside of political commentary, there has been quite a few good articles on personal finances in the past month.

Stock chart, laptop.

Your Changing Definition of Risk in Retirement

Your Changing Definition of Risk in Retirement Some things to consider. During your accumulation years, you may have categorized your risk as “conservative,” “moderate,” or “aggressive,” and that guided how your portfolio was built. Maybe you concerned yourself with finding the “best-performing funds,” even though you knew past performance does not guarantee future results. What…

San Francisco Giants, baseball stadium.

Financial Strategy for Athletes

Financial Strategy for Athletes Step One: Find a trusted financial coach; Step Two: Listen to your coach. Whether you are a professional athlete, a college amateur, or an aspiring Olympian, you probably know what success feels like. You also know a thing or two about being a good sport when things don’t go your way….