Investment Management

Whether you’re planning for retirement, concerned about income distributions in retirement, helping a child get through college or passing money to your heirs, we’re ready to help you through whatever challenges you face. We design an investment plan that is customized to your unique situation to help you accomplish your goals. Our investment management services is focused on designing a portfolio to your unique situation.

Custom Strategic Portfolios
Custom Strategic PortfoliosWe do not use a cookie-cutter approach when constructing your portfolio. We start by getting to know you and your unique situation. We then design the investment portfolio around you. Our custom portfolios are designed by us, for you, using our prudent, fiduciary investment review process.
Quantitative Portfolios
Quantitative PortfoliosFor those clients that wish to have a more active approach to asset management, we offer our Quantitative Portfolio line-up. These portfolios reconstruct every month based on parameters provided with the goal of reducing the volatility inherent in the portfolio.
Custom ETF/Index Portfolios
Custom Index/ETF PortfoliosWe have clients that prefer active investment management for their portfolios. We understand others want passive investment management. If you prefer passive investments, we will design a portfolio utilizing index funds and exchange traded funds (ETF’s). Each portfolio is uniquely designed for your.
Third-Party Asset Managers
Third-Party Asset ManagementSome advisors rely heavily (or exclusively) on third-party money managers. They are managers that design the portfolio based upon an allocation – for a fee. We use third-parties when someone’s unique situation calls for it. Otherwise, our focus is on Custom Portfolios and Custom Index/ETF Portfolios.


The Fiduciary Responsibility

A fiduciary is legally held to act in the best interest of the client. As fiduciaries, we’re also required to notify you of any potential conflicts of interest. Unless we tell you otherwise, we are working as a fiduciary while working with you. We’re compensated by you, not by a commission paid by another company.

investment management fiduciary process